Monday, May 12, 2008


I drove to work this morning instead of taking the bus. Stopping at a red light, I noticed the license plate of the car in front of me: AUTHOR. It really got me thinking about why someone would request this as their expensive, personalized plate. Many of the writers I know live a writing lifestyle, but don’t need to shout it out to everyone. We don’t wear little unity “writers” pins or design our own t-shirts. Hey, we don’t even have a logo. Writers don’t have a special club, right? Or do they, but I’m left out? There’s my paranoia.

But this woman didn’t even choose “WRITER” but “AUTHOR” – which for some reason evokes images of Danielle Steele novels. Is she that kind of author? Look at me on my high horse – I’m a writer, so I’m better than Danielle Steele? Yeah, tell that to her bank account, right?

Seriously, though, writers already have to defend themselves to be taken seriously as writers. How often does someone find out that you are a writer, and then want to know what you have published? We’ve all seen the look of judgment and amusement when they haven’t heard about your publications (it’s not your fault they aren’t up on all of the current literary magazines…I mean, who really could be these days?).

I still can’t imagine ever getting something like a personalized plate that says “AUTHOR” or “WRITER” or “POET” or anything like that. “NOVELIST” – ha, there’s a good one. Maybe it was too long for the plate, so the woman went with “AUTHOR” instead. Who knows?

I might wear a t-shirt, but it would have to be really cool. Anyone want to start a club?

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